Resources and Capabilities Statement
Alphabet Linguistics provides diverse project deliverables and linguistic support. The company provides comprehensive translation, transcription and localization solutions to government agencies, leading companies, and academic institutions.
NAICS Classifications:
541930 Translation and Interpretation Services (Primary)
541430 Graphic Design Services
561410 Document Preparation Services
541720 Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities
541511 Custom Computer Programming Services
SIC Code: 7389
PSC Codes: R608, R603
NIGP Codes:
961-75-50 Translation Services, Multiple Languages
961-75-00 Translation Services
961-72-00 Transcription Services: Academic, Braille, Legal, Medical, etc.
208-39-00 Desktop Publishing
920-26-00 Desktop Publishing Services
965-30-49 Layout and Graphic Design Services
General Information:
Registered Company Name: Alphabet Linguistics, LLC
DBA: Alphabet Linguistics
Year Incorporated: May 27, 2016
State of Incorporation: Delaware
Corporation Type: Subchapter C
D-U-N-S Number: 080289313
CAGE Code: 7P7G8
Contact Information:
Alphabet Linguistics
244 Weybosset, Floor 3
Providence, Rhode Island 02903-3732
Phone: 401-227-9248
Fax: 401-227-9248 (Integrated fax and phone)
POC: Daniel J Dugan, Principal
Author: Daniel Dugan
Daniel is the founder of Alphabet Linguistics, a Providence-based language translation agency. He writes about language and how people use it to live and work together. When he’s not working or reading, you can often spot him cruising around on his worn-out Peugeot.